Recent Awards
In addition to TPD being recognized for its workplace practices, our quality engineering services have also been recognized by the following industry organizations:
2024 Graphic Design USA (GDUSA)’s Design Annual Showcase
Designing For Good Award – Connect Conover Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan, Saluda Grade Trail Feasibility Study
Branding + Identity + Logos Award – Woodfin Together Logo for Comprehensive Plan
TPD received three awards from Graphic Design USA (GDUSA)’s Design Annual Showcase for their design work on three separate multimodal planning projects in North and South Carolina. These designs were created and executed by TPD’s Creative Design Manager, Danielle Kauffman. The Connect Conover Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan, and the Saluda Grade Trail Feasibility Study won the “Designing for Good” award and the Woodfin Together Logo for Comprehensive Plan won the “Branding + Identity + Logos” award.
2024 Graphic Design USA (GDUSA)'s American Inhouse Design Awards
Designing For Good + Public Service Award – City of Hendersonville, NC Pedestrian Plan, Walk Hendo
Logos + Symbols Award – Boone Next Logo for the Town of Boone, NC’s Comprehensive Plan
TPD received two awards from Graphic Design USA (GDUSA)’s American Inhouse Design Award program for their design work on two separate multimodal planning projects in North Carolina. These designs were created and executed by TPD’s Creative Design Manager, Danielle Kauffman. The City of Hendersonville, NC Pedestrian Plan, Walk Hendo, won in the “Designing For Good + Public Service” category and the Boone Next Logo for the Town of Boone, NC’s Comprehensive Plan won in the “Logos + Symbols” category.
2023 Delaware Valley Chapter ASHE Project of the Year
Northern Ship Road Couplet Alignment – West Whiteland Township, Chester County, PA
TPD designed the couplet around the Ship Inn and Chapel to balance traffic flow and congestion in the area. This project worked to break up Ship Road into a couplet, in which the existing Ship Road became a one-way northbound road, and a new southbound roadway was constructed approximately 450’ to the west. The design added significant capacity to the existing signalized intersection by creating a pair of smaller intersections in lieu of a large single intersection. Additionally, along the new southbound roadway, a segment of the Chester Valley Trail was constructed – a 12’ wide side path/trail south of US 30. This segment is critical as it greatly improves the safety of the trail crossing US 30.
2023 Designing for Good Award, Graphic Design USA (GDUSA)’s American Graphic Design Annual Awards
Close the GAP – 2022 Greenway, ADA Transition, and Pedestrian Plan, City of Asheville, NC
Hayesville Moves – 2023 Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan, Town of Hayesville, NC
Active Weaverville – 2023 Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan, Town of Weaverville, NC
Close the GAP: TPD led this update for the City of Asheville’s Greenway (G), Accessibility (A), and Pedestrian (P) Plans. The combined Plan, “Close the GAP”, updated and expanded the network of accessible sidewalks and greenways for the Asheville community.
Hayesville Moves & Active Weaverville: Since 2018, TPD has been working with NCDOT to develop 13 multimodal plans or feasibility studies for several North Carolina communities. The projects involve developing pedestrian and bicycle transportation recommendations that are unique to each area and guided by members of the community, data, and existing conditions. These are two examples of that type of project.
2023 Montgomery Awards Excellence in Planning and Design
SORA West – Conshohocken Borough, Montgomery County, PA
SORA West, an ambitious mixed-use development, receives a 2023 Montgomery Award for context-sensitive site design, adaptive reuse, and community impact. Anchored by a state-of-the-art LEED Silver certified global headquarters office building, the project, which created a new hotel, public square with community gathering space, and streetscape improvements and restored and creatively reused a historic firehouse, will serve as a borough destination for years to come. TPD was responsible for the TIS, the shared parking study, the TDM Plan, and the HOP for improvements to adjacent intersections and to improve the pedestrian connections to Conshohocken Train Station. The shared parking study included parking counts at adjacent office buildings to determine local parking rates to incorporate the TOD nature of the site. The TDM Plan included but is not limited to, incentives to use transit or alternative modes of transportation, car-share services, on-site bicycle storage, and a provision to prepare post occupancy studies to ensure the trip and parking reduction goals are met.
2023 Best Engagement Award and Best Overall Plan Award, APA-NC Marvin Collins Planning Awards
Buncombe County Comprehensive Plan – Buncombe County, NC
Positioned for significant growth in the coming years, Buncombe County developed Buncombe 2043: Our Voices. Our Vision. as its plan to guide growth and development for the next 20 years. As a subconsultant to Clarion Associates, TPD’s project roles included co-project lead, transportation lead, public engagement co-lead, and local advisor. Working with Clarion, TPD and the planning team actively engaged citizens, staff, and the community to identify a vision for the County’s future; developed a Growth and Conservation future land use pattern, and developed the policies needed to achieve the County’s vision for the future.
2023 TDM Award Winner, Transportation Management Association of Chester County (TMACC)
Route 100 Multimodal Trail – West Whiteland Township, Chester County, PA
The Route 100 Multimodal Trail connects the Exton Train Station to the Chester Valley Trail and allows for safe passageway for both pedestrian and bicycle traffic.
The project primarily consisted of the construction of a 2,500’ multi-use path along the west side of Pottstown Pike (Route 100) from the Exton Train Station to the Chester Valley Trail (Commerce Drive) along with the necessary modification and/or installation of pedestrian components to existing traffic signals.
2023 PSAT Road and Bridge Safety Improvement Award Program, Roadway Category
Route 422 Sanatoga Interchange Improvements – Limerick Township, Montgomery County, PA
This interchange is an integral part of Montgomery County’s roadway network and supports a variety of adjacent land uses, including residential, commercial, and open space. As a result of more than a decade of preparing planning studies and conceptual plans, it was determined that the interchange was operating at maximum traffic capacity during peak hours, therefore not functioning efficiently. Additionally, an uncontrolled left turn from Evergreen Road to Route 422 was occurring at a location of two converging and conflicting merge points, creating a safety hazard for turning vehicles and posing significant challenges for drivers, including longer delays, aggressive driving, and accidents. Through the design process, a full safety analysis of the interchange concluded that a new on-ramp would provide an overall improvement in safety. Through a Highway Safety Manual predictive analysis, overall crashes were predicted to be reduced by 1.95 per year due to this improvement.
2022 NSPE-NJ Mercer Chapter Engineering Project of the Year
Rosedale Road Intersection Study and Mini-Roundabout Design at General Johnson Road – Municipality of Princeton, County of Mercer, NJ
TPD evaluated traffic conditions at the entrance to a school and a park and developed recommended traffic mitigation measures including a mini roundabout. TPD provided development of construction plans for a mini-roundabout at the Rosedale Road/General Johnson Road intersection. Project included the preparation of construction plans, grade plans, lighting plans, and detour routes using NJDOT highways.
2021 ARRA / Roads & Bridges Recycling Award
DRPA Pavement Recycling, Betsy Ross Bridge (Route 90) Pavement Rehabilitation Project – Pennsuaken, NJ
TPD worked with the DRPA to deliver an award-winning, environmentally-friendly pavement recycling project. The overall project included work on all ramps within the DRPA’s jurisdiction, mainline Route 90 and all parking lots and service roads of the Administration and Maintenance Building Complex. This work was completed using a combination of pavement recycling and modified conventional construction techniques which incorporated stockpiled, excess recycled material. The significant aspects of the project were the rapid return to traffic on the recycled pavement permitted by foamed asphalt and the stockpiling and subsequent reuse of the excess recycled material which is not feasible with other recycling processes.
2020 PennDOT Golden Boot Award
SR 0073 / 0662 Corridor Safety & SR 0183 / 4016 (Schaeffers) Projects – Berks County, PA
Part 1 of this agreement involves the construction of two roundabouts in the Town of Oley. The first is located at SR 0073 (Blandon Road) and T-571 (Oley Road) intersection and the second is located at the other side of the Town at the SR 0073 (Memorial Highway/Philadelphia Pike), SR 0662 (Memorial Highway) and T-715 (Lynx Drive) intersection. The second part of the agreement included roadway widening, realignment, and signalization at the intersection of SR 0183 (Bernville Road) and SR 4016 (New Schaefferstown Road).
Past Awards
2021 – 2022 Outstanding New or Reconstructed Short Span(s) Bridge Award
SR 0392, Section 006 over Fishing Creek Bridge Replacement – Newberry Township, York County, PA
2021 Diamond Award, “Small Projects” category
Lansdale Liberty Bell Trail – Borough of Lansdale, Montgomery County, PA
2020 TQI Community Connection & Enhancement
Frankford Avenue (SR 0013) Bridge Rehabilitation – Philadelphia, PA
2020 Excellence in Planning and Design
Higher Rock Roadway Improvements – Montgomery Township, Montgomery County, PA
2019 Excellence in Planning and Design
Walk & Bike Pottstown – Pottstown Borough, Montgomery County, PA
2019 Abba G. Lichtenstein Medal for Outstanding Achievement in Bridge Engineering
Frankford Avenue (SR 0013) Bridge Rehabilitation – Philadelphia, PA
2019 Project of the Year (Under $10 Million category)
Lansdale Liberty Bell Trail – Borough of Lansdale, Montgomery County, PA
2018 Project of the Year (under $10 million category)
Frankford Avenue (SR 0013) Bridge Rehabilitation – Philadelphia, PA