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Website Accessibility

TPD is committed to ensuring accessibility of its website for anyone with disabilities. An employee or member of the public who wishes to submit a complaint or grievance regarding a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 or Title II related to the accessibility of any TPD web page may complain directly to TPD.

The initial complaint or grievance should be made using the Website Accessibility Complaint/Request procedure below. When someone at TPD receives the information, they shall immediately inform the webmaster.

Whether or not a formal complaint or grievance is made, once TPD has been notified of inaccessible content, effective communication shall be provided as soon as possible to the reporting party to provide access to the information. The complainant should not have to wait for the investigation of the complaint to be concluded before receiving the information that she/he was unsuccessful in accessing.

Website Accessibility Complaint/Request Procedure

Please note before filing a formal complaint, all content found on TPD’s website is available in different formats and can be made accessible/available to anyone upon request. To request access to TPD’s website in a different format, or to file a complaint or grievance regarding the inaccessibility of TPD’s public website content, the complainant should submit the complaint:

1. Verbally by calling 610-326-3100

2. Writing to TPD Inc., Marketing Manager, 2500 E. High Street, Suite 650, Pottstown, PA, 19464

3. Emailing TPD using this link

The complainant should provide information and a description of the problem, including:

– Name
– Address
– Date of the Complaint
– Description of the Problem Encountered
– Web Address or Location of the Problem Page
– Solution Desired
– Contact information in case more details are needed (email and phone number).

The complaint or grievance will be investigated by the webmaster and the Marketing Department, who manages all web content. The Complainant shall be contacted no later than five (5) business days following the date TPD receives the information.

TPD will follow the following procedures:

– An investigation of the complaint shall be completed within fifteen (15) working days. Extension of the timeline may only be approved by the Board of Directors of TPD.

– The investigator shall prepare a written report of the findings and conclusions within five (5) working days of the completion of the investigation.

– The investigator shall contact the complainant upon conclusion of the investigation to discuss the findings and conclusions and actions to be taken as a result of the investigation.

– A record of each complaint and grievance made pursuant to the Website Accessibility Complaint/Request procedure shall be maintained by TPD. The record shall include a copy of the complaint or grievance filed, report of findings from the investigation, and the disposition of the matter.

If the complainant is dissatisfied with TPD’s resolution of your complaint or grievance or she/he believes they are being subjected to discrimination on the basis of disability under Section 504 or Title II of the ADA, she/he has the right to file a formal complaint with the US Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division.