Identified in the Township’s Traffic Impact Fee Capital Improvement Plan, this project seeks to relieve traffic around the historic Ship Inn. With the location of the historic Ship Inn so close to the road, traditional improvements would not be feasible. Therefore, TPD is designing a pair of one-way roadways around the Ship Inn to balance traffic flow and congestion in the area. This designed and approved through PennDOT’s Highway Occupancy Permit (HOP) program, and will be constructed partially through a PennDOT Multimodal Transportation Fund (MTF) Grant
TPD provided the following services:
- Preparation of a Master Plan Traffic Study
- Preparation of Highway Occupancy Permit HOP) Plans
- Plans, Specifications and Estimates Package (PS&E)
- Maintenance and Protection of Traffic Plans
- Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Plans
- Pavement Marking and Signing Plans
- Traffic Signal Plans
- Drainage Design
- Coordination with PennDOT, township and local officials, and subconsultants
- Construction Services
View article “Ship Road Couplet Eases Congestion, Aids Development” by Joseph Platt, PE in the ASHE Scanner here. (scroll to spread 22)