The SR 0061, Section 14M project is located along Route 61 between Frackville Borough and Saint Clair Borough in Schuylkill County. The overall project is approximately 4 miles in length, of which approximately 2 miles is divided highway. Within the divided highway portion, the lanes are bifurcated, with the southbound lanes located as much as 50 feet above the northbound lanes. There are a total of 8 structures carrying portions of Tar Run, Mill Creek, Mud Run and Little Mahanoy Creek.
This segment of Route 61 has multiple substandard horizontal curves, steep embankments, rock outcroppings and substandard shoulder widths all of which lead to unsafe conditions. The existing pavement along the corridor is in poor condition due to the overall age of the corridor (southbound lanes are over 100 years old). Furthermore, many of the existing retaining walls and gabion basket walls are in poor or failing condition.
The proposed improvements include the total reconstruction and widening of Route 61, slope stabilization, the realignment of four substandard curves, the installation of approximately 1,100 feet of new retaining walls, and the rehabilitation of 8 culverts.
TPD is responsible for Alternatives Analysis, Environmental Clearance, Preliminary Engineering, Final Design and Construction Services. This included the development of Construction Plans, Traffic Control Plans, Structure Plans, Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Plans, Wetland Mitigation Plans, Temporary Signal Plans, Signing and Pavement Marking Plans, Right-of-Way Plans, permitting and utility coordination.