TPD is providing preliminary engineering and final design activities for 3.5 miles of total reconstruction and widening of the PA Turnpike Northeast Extension. The project is located immediately north of the Quakertown Interchange. The project involves widening the roadway from 4 lanes to 6 lanes, the replacement of one overhead structure and two mainline structures and the rehabilitation of three culvert. The project will also involve wetland and stream mitigation and the installation of new signing, pavement markings, drainage systems, and stormwater management facilities. Utility relocations and right-of-way acquisition will also be required.

Services being performed:
- Project Management
- Roadway Plans
- Structure Plans
- Signing and Pavement Marking Plans
- Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analysis
- Right-of-Way Plans
- Utility Coordination
- Stakeholder Coordination
- Environmental Mitigation
- Construction Document Preparation