TPD is serving as the prime consultant for the preparation of an alternatives analysis, preliminary engineering and final design for the Bristol Road Extension project. The project is in the vicinity of Route 202 and Route 152 in and around the Borough of Chalfont. The Route 202 corridor and Route 152 corridors currently experience significant congestion due to high traffic volumes along both roadways, the presences of multiple commercial and residential driveways and the presence of an active at grade railroad crossing. In addition, Route 152 ties into Route 202 at two separate T-intersections separated by Neshaminy Creek. These offset T-intersections require additional turning movements within the Borough which leads to additional congestion.

The scope of the project involves performing an area-wide traffic study to determine the root causes of the congestion and to develop recommendations involving geometric and capacity adding improvements. This will involve an alternatives analysis, which will define current traffic problems and impacts of possible alternative solutions involving a likely combination of new roadway alignment, signals upgrades and modifications to existing roads and intersections. The project will also consider community features such as key local destinations and pedestrian networks. Upon completion of the study, TPD will advance these improvements into preliminary engineering and final design.
Services being performed by TPD and its subconsultants:
- Traffic Study
- Alternatives Analysis
- Environmental Documentation
- Roadway Plans
- Structure Plans
- Signing and Pavement Marking Plans
- Traffic Control Plans
- Right-of-Way Plans
- Utility Coordination
- Stakeholder Coordination
- Construction Document Preparation