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Walnut Street Extension and Trail

Project Details
Location:East Lampeter Township, Lancaster County, PAClient:High Real Estate Group, LLCCompletion Date:2023Share

The Walnut Street Extension Project (SR 1050, Sec. 001) is a multimodal transportation project that alleviates traffic congestion and improves safety on a key Lancaster corridor (Walnut Street). It is the definition of “collaboration” with government, the private sector and residents working together to solve a transportation-safety issue while preserving precious farmland, creating jobs and ensuring recreational opportunities for county residents and visitors.

The project site is defined by existing state-owned right-of-way (aka “the Goat Path”) which was acquired when PennDOT was planning to construct PA 23 as a limited-access freeway between US 30 and PA 772 decades ago, but public opposition and funding issues at the time resulted in the shelving of those plans. The right-of-way became known as a place local farmers grazed their livestock – thus the nickname. After receiving buy-in from all stakeholders, the extension project includes a new two-lane highway from the US 30/Walnut Street interchange to a roundabout intersection with an extended Ben Franklin Boulevard connecting to Greenfield Road, including a new 167′ long, 54′ wide steel bridge. 

The project also constructed a section of the Greater Lancaster Heritage Pathway (GLHP) just to the east of the new road. The 1.2-mile, paved GLHP trail accommodates pedestrians and bicyclists and follows the Lancaster Active Transportation Plan (ATP). The 16′ wide trail makes the Walnut Street Extension a truly multimodal project and is a big step towards fulfilling the vision of the ATP.

TPD‘s responsibilities included:

  • Project Management
  • Highway Design
  • Transportation Study
  • Highway Occupancy Permits (HOP)
  • Traffic /Signal Design
  • Trail Design
  • Construction Estimates
  • Bid Document Preparation/Bid Process Administration
  • Construction Services