Our work includes regional, county, and community planning for people walking and biking. We have worked on multimodal planning projects in urban areas and small towns – places that are home to hundreds of thousands of people and those that are home to less than one hundred. Having local pedestrian and bicycle plans are an important first step for a community to begin implementing multimodal infrastructure, as these plans provide a blueprint for a system that connects people and places. We produce plans that are actionable; that contain projects that are innovative yet achievable; and that build positive momentum by reflecting the voice of each community. The projects in each plan are vetted through a ranking process; from there, several projects undergo a deeper engineering analysis. This sets the stage for design and construction, ensuring that each plan contains projects that are feasible and have realistic, scaled cost estimates to secure funding.

Asheville Greenway Plan, ADA Transition Plan & Pedestrian Plan, “Close the GAP”
City of Asheville, Buncombe County, NC
TPD led this update for the City of Asheville’s Greenway (G), Accessibility (A), and Pedestrian (P) Plans. The combined Plan, collectively known as “Close the GAP”, provided a blueprint to update and expand the network of accessible sidewalks and greenways for the Asheville community. To identify priority projects, TPD developed a GIS model and used a “corridor approach” to identify areas of the greatest pedestrian need in the City by analyzing equity-related factors, crash data, crash risk factors, key destinations, and connectivity. The outcome of this analytical approach is a prioritized list of sidewalk and greenway projects that are ready to be advanced towards feasibility study, funding allocation, design refinement, and eventual construction.
Hendersonville Pedestrian Plan, “Walk Hendo”
City of Hendersonville, NC
Hendersonville is a rapidly growing community and one of the largest cities in Western North Carolina, yet it was ranked as #1 among cities of its size for pedestrian fatalities and severe injuries. With Walk Hendo, TPD updated the City’s Pedestrian Master Plan, infusing it with new design principles, connecting to areas of growth, embedding it with equity, and proposing a range of pedestrian improvements that will improve the City’s walkability. Notable among the final recommendations are nine sidewalk connections on City, NCDOT-maintained, and private streets that contain conceptual details and cost estimates, facilitating their advancement towards further design refinement and funding acquisition.
Bluffton ADA Priority Plan
Town of Bluffton, Beaufort County, SC
TPD provided the Town of Bluffton with in-depth field review, comprehensive data collection, and priority planning for their ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Transition Plan. Focusing on improving accessibility within the public rights-of-way of Bluffton’s Old town (downtown), the ADA Transition Plan was devised to ensure compliance and improve pedestrian access routes. The study resulted in the development of a fiscally constrained capital plan aimed at achieving ADA compliance within a five-year period. ArcGIS Field Maps was used to collect detailed curb ramp and sidewalk data; the data was then analyzed and prioritized in ArcGIS Pro to formulate the final capital plan. This strategic approach empowered the Town to quickly advance designs to construction phases for the identified improvements.
Conover Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan
City of Conover, Catawba County, NC
Rapid growth in the region and in Conover has created the need for an update to their pedestrian plan and addition of a bicycle plan. TPD is leading this effort, which is focusing on connections to schools, parks, and new or anticipated land development. The new plan, known as “Connect Conover”, presents the City with an opportunity to realign their multimodal priorities, identify innovative policy solutions, and expand opportunities for walking and biking programming citywide. Through various community engagement efforts, including booths at the Farmer’s Market, Juneteenth Celebration, and National Night Out, this planning effort aims to ensure that the diverse voices of the Conover community are fully represented.