As part of a PennDOT District 8-0’s Supergroup C Bridge Replacements, TPD was responsible for the design of four bridge replacements in York County, PA. Two of the replacements, SR 0392‑006 over Fishing Creek and SR 0392‑007 over an unnamed tributary to Fishing Creek, were in close proximity and replaced under one construction contract. Built in 1923, the existing SR 0392-006 bridge was a 21’ single span concrete T‑Beam bridge on concrete abutments at a 60° skew, with a narrow, 23’ wide cartway. The bridge was replaced with a 54’ single span prestressed box beam superstructure with integral abutments at a 60° skew with a 32’ cartway and approach slabs. The structure was constructed by Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) techniques using four precast beam/slab modules erected side-by-side with three 8” deck closure pour joints filled with Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC). The lower portions of the existing abutment stems were retained as scour protection for the new bridge, allowing the bridge construction to be completed without any impacts to Fishing Creek.

The existing SR 0392-007 structure was an 8’ long concrete slab bridge located only about 400’ north of the SR 0392-006 bridge and conveying a tributary that paralleled SR 0392 flowing south into Fishing Creek. This bridge was replaced with a 48”x76” Reinforced Concrete Elliptical Pipe. Between the two bridges, SR 0392 was widened to provide a 32’ pavement with 11’ travel lanes and 5’ shoulders, matching the new bridge. To accomplish the roadway widening, the unnamed tributary that paralleled SR 0392 was relocated to the east. A stream relocation plan was designed to provide a stepped streambed profile with rock channel lining, engineered and native streambed material, and sill logs to control stream velocities and create habitat. Mitigation plantings of native trees, shrubs and live stakes were specified to establish a riparian buffer along the relocated stream.
Construction was performed with traffic detoured around the project using I‑83, state, and local roads. Temporary intersection modifications and a temporary signal were designed at the intersection at the end of the I-83 Exit 34 northbound ramp to ensure that any increased I-83 traffic volume did not create backups onto I-83.
TPD provided the following services:
- Roadway Construction Plans & Cross Sections
- Structure Plans
- Hydrologic & Hydraulic Analysis
- Traffic Control Plans – Interstate Detour; Incident Management Plan; Temporary Intersection Modifications and Signals
- Signing and Pavement Marking Plans
- Stream Realignment Design
- Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Plans
- Waterway Permitting (Joint Permit)
- Right-of-Way Plans
- Utility Coordination
- Accelerated Bridge Construction – Precast Beam/Deck Module